Embark on thrilling missions as a Sprunki Agent in this action-packed adventure game! The game centers around the unique abilities of Sprunkis, small, agile creatures with extraordinary powers, and their role as secret agents. Players will control a team of these agents, each with specialized skills, to complete challenging objectives. Mastering the Sprunki abilities is key to success in navigating complex levels and overcoming formidable foes. Become the ultimate Sprunki Agent and save the day!
Sprunki Pyramixed is a puzzle game where you must stack colorful blocks to reach the top of the pyramid.
Sprunki Corruptbox 5 is a challenging puzzle game where players must navigate a corrupted digital world.
Sprunkd is a game where players collect and battle unique creatures.
Sprunkl is a game where players collect and battle unique creatures.
Sprunki Phase 4 But Alive is a game where you must keep the titular character alive through increasingly difficult challenges.
In Sprunki Retake Agents, players retake territory from enemy agents.
Esprunki is a fast-paced game where players must quickly solve coding challenges.
Sprunki Premixed is a game where players mix and match ingredients to create unique drinks.
In Sprunki Retake Reverse, players reverse engineer levels to achieve the goal.
Agent Sprunkis Retake is a game where you must retake the city from the evil Sprunkis.
In Sprunki Agents, players control quirky agents to complete missions.
In Incredibox - Sprunki 2, create unique musical beats by dressing virtual characters.
Sprunki Phase 24 is a game where players strategically place colored tokens to create patterns and score points.
Sprunksters is a game where players collect and battle unique creatures called Sprunksters.
Sprunki Phase 11.5 is a challenging puzzle game where players must strategically manipulate colorful blocks.